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Notified as Multi Product Free Trade Warehousing Zone and Inland Container Depot

M/s VSF Projects Limited (Formerly known as Vijaya shrimp farms and exports limited) is a BSE Listed company from 1993. The company proposes to set up a Multi-Product Free Trade Warehousing Zone (FTWZ/SEZ) in its own land located at Ankulapaturu village, Chillakuru Mandal, Tirupati District of Andhra Pradesh over an area of 53.81HA (132.91 Acres).


This Free Trade Warehousing Zone is on South Side of Adani Krishnapatnam Port and Krishnapatnam Industrial Node in Chennai Bengaluru Industrial Corridor (CBIC) and Vishakapatnam Chennai Industrial Corridor (VCIC).


“This FTWZ is Only One which Caters the needs of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Chhattisgarh and Karnataka. It is located in Krishnapatnam Node in Chennai-Bengaluru Industrial Corridor and Chennai-Vishakapatnam Industrial Corridor.”


VSF PROJECTS LIMITED’s Warehouses are deemed foreign territories. It will be a game changer for importers and exporters but also for re exporters. It also reduces Custom related formalities and increase operational efficiencies.


Vision and Misson:

The Company proposed to set up a Multi-Product Free Trade Warehousing Zone/SEZ in 53.81Ha (132.96 Acres) of its own land in first phase with 4 Bulk Warehouses of 3,50.000 sq ft each, 2MW Solar Power on the rooftop of Warehouses and a Container Storage and handling area with world class common facilities in proposed FTWZ at their site.


The Project will be implemented in Phased Manner .The first phase consists of 1 Warehouse (3,50,000 sq ft) , 1MW Solar and required infrastructure. The second phase will consists of 2 Warehouses (3,50,000sq ft each) and Inland Container Depot. The 3rd phase with 1 Warehouse with 3,50.000 sq ft.


BENEFITS OF Free Trade Warehouse Zone( FTWZ) :

* Ease of starting EXIM business in Indian FTWZ by foreign entities
* Income tax – Exemption on re-export of imported goods
* Flexibility of transactions in any free convertible currency
* Deferment of Custom duties / GST for Longer periods
* Exemption from Stamp Duty which is chargeable on imported cargo
* Retain 100% Foreign Exchange receipts in Foreign Currency account
* Facility for undertaking Value added services
* In house Customs Clearance and Bank facility for temporary removal / Sale within FTWZ
* Freedom from Demurrage, Detention & Interest cost

Operational Adavantages of Free Trade Warehouse Zone (FTWZ):

* 24x7 on-site customs clearance and ancillary services.
* Value added services viz. pick/pack, labeling, testing, etc.
* For international customers, availability of their stocks for Indian Sub-con /South East Asia.
* Eight lane entry and exit area for customs checking to prevent traffic bottleneck.
* Uninterrupted operations
* A single point contact is provided to coordinate for all FTWZ activities.